My baby boy is five....I can hardly believe where the time went.
Seems like yesterday he looked like this....
and now this.
So for Deklen's 5th birthday we decided on a Bowling party. What an awesome adventure we had! I discovered AndersRuff Retro Bowling printables and I must say that went over HUGE at the party! I'll warn you ahead of time - there are LOTS of pictures in this post!
First the dessert table.
I was really excited with the way it turned out! Black plastic table cloth. Black foamcore poster board with the 11x16 Happy Birthday Deklen sign double-sticky taped to it.
The number 5's I printed from my Cricut onto sticker paper. The polka dot balloons are from Target and they are attached with polka dot ribbon, and the 36" polka dot balloon is from a local party store, but you can buy them online (like from here).
The banner is from the printables package, printed on cardstock and strung together with red polka dot ribbon and double-sticky tape.
I purchased Costco water and replaced their label with my printed one. Those blue buckets are from the $1 stop at Target, with a printable on the front. The block you see behind the bucket - holding the bowling ball cake pops - that is a green floral foam block decorated with ribbon. I purchased some caramel and cheese popcorn to put into the Popcorn boxes I purchased from HeyYoYo. The plastic tubes are from Cafe Crop, my local scrapbook store. I filled them with blue and red gummy bears from the Albanese Candy factory - yum! The cake pops are supposed to look like bowling balls (ha ha) and I made those with my handy cake pop pan.
TIP: Coloring gel does not work with melted chocolate :-(
On the tables, I put dollar store plastic table covers, Target dollar spot small blue buckets filled with black and red polka dot napkins wrapped around blue silverware, as well as Campfire marshmallow pops with blue chocolate and red sprinkles - all decorated with printables.
My cake was inspired by this and was super easy!
Two 9x13 pans and a glass bowl that I could bake in - voila! A bowling cake!
I made all the kids tye-die t-shirts......
.....and used this iron-on to personalize the backs of the t-shirts!!
They were a big hit!
We had a great turn out!! Thanks to everyone for making Deklen's day special :-)
Mami loves you honey.
Now I'm off to plan his brother's art birthday party!!
Linking up to