Saturday, March 31, 2012

Story. Bathroom Fiasco. Part 3.

So when I left you last, we were in demoville.
Which later turned into this....
Then finally this....
This is where we sat for one....two.....three.....four.....five.....six weeks.  Um, yes, I said six.  Ouch.  I think it was at this point that I had this conversation with my 4-year old:

Dek:  Mami...when is my birthday?
Mami:  Honey, your birthday is only a few weeks away!  I don't even know what you want!  What do you think you want for your birthday?
Dek:  I'd like a bathub please.

We finally started working on the next phase, which was to replace all the insulation and install the concrete board.  Which takes us here.  Stay tuned! 
FINALLY we're getting somewhere!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Story. Bathroom fiasco. Part 2.

So when I left you last, my bathroom looked like this.

The mold kit of course came back bad.  Honestly, I knew we would have a mold problem, which is why I told my husband we needed to tear the rest of the tiles off the top of that funky shelf before we even saw the results of the mold kit.  Which we did.
At this point, we could both see the water spots and we both knew what the next step had to be.  Yep, tearing out the funky shelf (which I always thought was weird, too big, and not necessary).  Once we started tearing out the shelf we found this.
Talk about scary....
Gross black mold...the scary kind.  We didn't need the petrie dish to tell us that this mold was gross and needed to be delt with.  I think the scariest part of all was that for a bit of time, we actually thought about re-tiling over the existing structure.  That still freaks me out.
So since we found this, it had to be dealt with immediately.  So, we start ripping out the funky shelf - all the way down to the two-by-fours and the subflooring.  DEMO TIME!!

Stay tuned for what we did next!
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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Story. Bathroom fiasco. Part 1.

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated. ~Lamartine that might be a bit dramatic.  But didn't you miss me just a little bit??!!  Yes, I've been gone for awhile and I apologize.  2012 is my year to really get regular about posting!  But we all know how resolutions come out :-(....I will try my hardest. 

So this new year brings me into a new fiasco - the kid's bathroom.  The kids have all these *fun* (NOT) toys that stick to our bathroom tub tile surround and it was a bout a month ago that my husband decided to pop one of those suckers off and put it away.  Well, lo and behold - a few bathroom tiles came down with it!!  So awhile after that, I finally get around to addressing the problem and I begin by scraping the remains of what I thought was mortar off the wall.  As I begin trying to chip off this stuff with a chisel and a hammer, more and more tiles start dropping off.  Lovely. 
That's when I realize this stuff isn't mortar, but rather adhesive, so its probably not going to come off easy.  I ended up removing all the tiles in that row to replace since most of them were off anyhow.  Last weekend I go to Home Depot with my cell phone photos, tape measure, and my money.  After about 45 minutes, and $152 later, I think I have everything I need to complete this project.  
The most import thing being my do-it-yourself mold kit.  I was told before starting ANYTHING I must do this since its possible those tiles have been loose and retaining water for awhile.

The test takes a few days so for the time being my bath sat like this.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for me, you'll want to see!
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